Sunday, April 24, 2011

I'm back!

Yeah, I know, I didn't tell anyone that i was going, but i just got back from a two week vacation up the east coast. It was awesome!!!! got to go to D.C., NYC, Niagra, and many more. I'm glad to be back and posting, hope you have an awesome day, God Bless!!!


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

wahooo, i get to do it again (sounding real apathetic)

okay so i found out i could do the tag a different way so i'm gonna do it again.

1: Seabird
2: Downhere
3: Remedy Drive
4: Switchfoot
5: Shane & Shane
6: Owl City
7: Phil Wickham
8: Phil Danyew
9: NeedToBreathe
10: Lecrae

What was the first song you heard by 6?
dental care :)

What is your favorite song of 8?
either 'streetlight', or 'turnstile'.

What kind of impact has 1 left on your life?
oh man, those guys are crazy! i remember when i first heard the song rescue by them, it was amazing!

The earth moves you and find me,
alive but inworthy,
broken and empty,
but you don't care
cause you are my rapture
and you are my savior,
when all my hope is gone,
i reach for you

What are you favorite lyrics of 5s?
Oh the devil's signing over me, an age old song, that i am cursed and gone astray. signing the first verse so convieniently, over me. he's forgotten the refrain. . . JESUS SAVES!!!
it blows my mind everytime i hear this song.

how many times have you seen 4 live?
okay, i must confess, i've never been to a switchfoot concert, in fact i've only been to three concerts in my whole life. may dad on the other hand has been to a lot of their concerts he even has some pictures of him with them all at least ten years old.

What is your favorite song of 7?
either 'safe', 'heaven song', or 'because of you love'.

Is there any song of 3 that makes you sad?
actually, no. all their songs are pretty good.

What is your favorite song by 9?
either 'over now', 'looks like love', or 'garden'. it's so hard for me to make up my mind about these things.

how did you first get into 2?
my dad got it a while ago when he was looking for some good bands.

how did you first get into 3?
kade let me borrow their cd and i loved it.

what is your favorit song by 4?
i'd have to say either 'born to burn out bright', or 'sing it out'

how many times have you seen 9 live?
once, and it was so awesome, they did an amazing job.

what is a good memory concerning 10?
kade and i once spent three hours at church listening to him as we cleaned up the christmas decor. it was awesome!

Is there a song by 8 that makes you sad?

what is your favorite song of 1?
'fallin' for you' is a really good song, i can play it on the piano too, which makes it even awesomer. (not that i'm better than aaron by any means!)

how did you become a fan of 10?
kade let me listen to 'go hard' and 'waste my life'.


Saturday, April 2, 2011


second game of the season today, lost 5-0. bummer. it was an extremely rough game, because fayetville is a really physical team. all i got from the game was a seven inch bruise on my thigh from diving while playing goalkeeper.

on the bright side, i just had an awesome sleep over at my best friends house, stayed up til two and woke up at eight, it was totally legit!

a wise quote:

"I made you to carry the weight of one day. Do not weigh yourself down with the years behind or the days ahead."

remmember, worrying is a sin, it means we aren't completely putting our trust in God to make all things work together for good, to those who love him. even though we got beat twice this week, i'm okay, i just gotta remmember to put all my trust in God, and look to him for everything i need.


i want to thank all those who prayed for us.