Saturday, April 2, 2011


second game of the season today, lost 5-0. bummer. it was an extremely rough game, because fayetville is a really physical team. all i got from the game was a seven inch bruise on my thigh from diving while playing goalkeeper.

on the bright side, i just had an awesome sleep over at my best friends house, stayed up til two and woke up at eight, it was totally legit!

a wise quote:

"I made you to carry the weight of one day. Do not weigh yourself down with the years behind or the days ahead."

remmember, worrying is a sin, it means we aren't completely putting our trust in God to make all things work together for good, to those who love him. even though we got beat twice this week, i'm okay, i just gotta remmember to put all my trust in God, and look to him for everything i need.


i want to thank all those who prayed for us.

1 comment:

  1. bad I didn't get to make it to the game, maybe next time!:D


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