Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Place Only You Can Go NeedToBreathe

Sorry for the late post. . . it just completely slipped my mind. I absolutely love this song. It's off of NeedToBreathe's new album "The Reckoning". Speakin' of NeedToBreathe. . . I GET TO GO TO THEIR CONCERT THIS FRIDAY NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the people taking us, had some friends of theirs give them VIP tickets for FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited!!!! I can't wait! (btw. . . if it's showing up just a bunch of weird words jumbled together, then you have to come directly to my blog to watch it. Blogger just won't let me do it the easy way.) Ky

1 comment:

  1. I tried commenting on this the other day, and it wouldn't let me. So let's see if this works :P
    That's so cool that you got to go to that! Hey, I got to get a VIP pass to one of the rodeo's this summer..... I know, that's not exactly the same thing ;) haha


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