Friday, June 10, 2011


our computers are really freakin' out now! my playlist is on the top right side of my blog, and i can't change it! i think i'm gonna have to get my computer a phyciatrist!



  1. Don't you just love technology? ;) But, um, the people I know who went there were Norman and Mary Woods, and Matthew Johnson... there might have been some others there that I've met but I'm not sure. Haha, I was looking through someone's pictures on facebook of NC and I guess it was a picture of the Arkansas group or something, cuz I saw you and I'm pretty sure I saw Hayley in it too. (Kinda hard to tell since I've never met her in person!) Sorry for the long comment!

  2. Oh man... that was REALLY long!

  3. Awesome, I'm glad it's working!

  4. Sorry, that was me (Rach)


if you are commenting, you are epic, and every other awesome word you can think of!