Monday, October 25, 2010

it's okay *pat on the back, sigh*

so we got crushed today by bentonville. . . you don't even want to know the score.  okay, it was 10-2, but when we're playing for God's glory it doesn't matter if we win or if we lose.  it only matters if we play fairly(i'm not saying all our team were playing like they were playing for God or anything).  oh, and btw, one of my best bros, nathan hastings, really hurt his ankle tonight trying to volley the ball.  please pray for him, he's an awesome dude!  he's the one going with kade to ecuador in november


  1. You praise Him when you win, you praise Him when you loose. :) I hope Nathan is okay! Praying!

  2. Wow! you are incredibly fast! i posted that like ten minutes ago!

  3. Somehow, I just knew you were going to say that. :) I've been on here for the last hour trying to catch up on everyone's posts (I've been gone ALL DAY).

  4. aww. like i said on 'the loser', i'll pray for him!

    anna :)

  5. Aww... Hope Nathan's ankle gets better! Sorry for the loose. :(


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