Wednesday, February 23, 2011

i am way too humble for my own good. . . :)

19: A talent of yours.

i'm not boasting here, but i've heard that i can sing well, don't ask me, i'm too humble. :)

20: a hobby of yours.

you might call blogging a hobby, bleah would call it a lifestyle, but i'm not that far. sorry.

21: Something you know you do differently than most people.

i get really emmotional when i hear songs that say something along the lines of "i don't know how you love me like you do, it's so good to belong with you. . ." i totally get blown away by God's crazy love for me.

22: A website.

oh, that'll be easy. a organization that my older brother kade started, check it out and donate if you feel led to.

23: A way in which you want to be remembered.

i wan't to be remembered as a F-A-N-A-T-I-C for Jesus.

well i've finally made up for those days i missed, but i had legit reasons to miss them, i was busy all yesterday, like i was gone most of the day with my mom, mondays i'm not allowed on the computer, and sunday my uncle was in from california and i wanted to be with him (and i had a really good book.) saturday i was practicing frisbee with my team (yes i'm going to nc, and it's going to be awesome! ask me later.) so i've been swamped. ttfn!



  1. haha yeah calling blogging a lifestyle probably isn't the healthiest statement ever.

    Those seem like fairly legit excuses... except for the book one. :P I read alot of books and still post daily. So yeah, sorry couldn't let you get away with that.

    Love your answers! I know the challenge is get kinda old and boring, tiresome. BUT DON'T GIVE UP! We're almost done! ::)

  2. Hey it was the Three Musketeers, one of the best books I've ever read.

    I kinda enjoy the blogging challenge, I might do my own but it'd be more random.


  3. you can sing, eh? i wanna hear! :)

    and yes, for bleah, blogging is a lifestyle ;) i don't know, i guess it's a hobby for me. maybe one i spend a bit to much time on :P

    i get emotional, too. especially when i hear "how He loves" by david crowder.

    teens4orphans is suh-weet! i'm a fan on facebook :)

    and it's alright. i'm falling behind too...

    -anna :)

  4. No kidding, I LOVE that song. When we sang that at Teenpact I was crying so much, that I just had to leave, it was so awesome. That song should have been on my list of songs I cry at.



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