Wednesday, February 16, 2011

sunny with a hight of 333333333 F

okay, just had to say somethin' quick before i go get some dinner, because it's pretty crazy. just last week we got 10-12 inches of snow, and right now it's 60 degrees outside. it was like 'whoa, heat wave!' just had to say that.



  1. I hear ya, Ky! Last week we had snow and today it was 60 degrees as well! It's supposed to be 65-70 degrees later on this week. :O CRAZINESS! But you know what they say, if you don't like the weather where you're at, come to Texas, it changes every 5 minutes. lol :D

  2. Same out here in Arkansas. I didn't know you lived in Texas, I was born there, Anna to be exact.


  3. I know!!!! I think I like the warmer weather better...just sayin'.

  4. Okay, thats just wrong!! 60 degrees in February?!? I'm glad it's been in between 10 and 20 degrees here.... we get to play broomball in an OUTDOOR ice rink this Friday (awesome, I know!!)

  5. That's exactly what happened to us, too, Eldarwen! we got about 8 inches of snow, and then BAM! 70 degree weather -- some people are already pulling out their shorts! :O

  6. CCCRRRAZZYYYYY!!! that's just redonculous!!!! i'm loving it though, and i totally agree with you hayley, up until the point where it gets too hot to wear jeans. . .


  7. Its 80 here. It feels awesome! :)


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