Saturday, December 4, 2010

the full story

so we stopped by the church to pick up the drums, and some chords, and sound equipment, then headed over the school to set up.  we were an hour and a half early so we had plenty time to set up.  the only problem was that school was still in so the stage were were going to use was being used for band practice.  (they stunk!)  i don't mean to be mean, but they really did.  they finally got done and we began the real work.  i think there were nine of us there;  amy and amanda thomas, hayden, hayley, and reagan renfrow, mike dechanes (i hope thats how you spell it) and me, kole, and kade.  after we were done setting up and the kids were done with lunch we began.  kole was lead signer and ac. guitar, reagen: was the bass-drummer (bass) kade: was drums, hayley: violin and keyboard, mike: sound guy, amy and amanda: background vocals, me: powerpoint.  after playing a few song we went and played marshmallow dodgeball, with gigantic marshmallow that we beaned people with.  it was so much fun.  then we went back in and sang a few more songs.  then we went acoustic and did some christmas songs, where our whole group sat on the stage and sang, it was tons of fun!  we even had a smoke machine.  it was erstic.  hope y'all have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. sounds awesome :) marshmallow dodgeball, eh? we had a marshmallow war about a week ago and we shot 'em at each other with pvc pipe guns. it was intense :)

    glad ya'll had a great time!
    anna :)


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