Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Gift Carol

well i was going to put up one of my favorite Christmas songs, in honor of the first of december, but my dad said we aren't allowed to search lyrics until he's got the filter working for those.  but because y'all are so awesome, i will try to copy it by ear.

Gift Carol

Under the tree-light,
All wrapped in labels,
Each with a dear one in mind
Days ever nearer,
We're all the more eager
To see, what that morning will find
Well Heaven gave the first time. . .

There's a gift marked for us,
By the angel chorus,
Not in sparkly paper,
But a lowly manger,
Sealed in hopeful promise,
For every doubting Thomas,
From God, with love
To all mankind

Under the star-light,
Late in the stable,
God, with his dear ones in mind,
Given the Savior,
Sent to deliver,
The brightest new morning
You'll ever find
When Heaven gave the first time. . .

There's a gift marked for us,
By the angel chorus,
Not in sparkly paper,
But a lowly manger,
Sealed in hopeful promise,
For every doubting Thomas,
From God, with love
To all mankind

And every good and perfect gift,
Comes down, and we'll spread it around
Oh every good and perfect gift,
Comes down, and we'll spread it around
Spread it around

There's a gift marked for us,
By the angel chorus,

There's a gift marked for us,
By the angel chorus,
Not in sparkly paper,
But a lowly manger,
Sealed in hopeful promise,
For every doubting Thomas,
From God, with love
To all mankind

i changed my mind, this is my favorite christmas song, you should look it up, it is the most totally erstic, epic, legit, gnarly, beastly song ever!  (for those who don't know what erstic is, don't worry, it's kind of an inside joke with the renfrows and us.  and don't bother googleing it. . . you won't come up with anything.)  my favorite part is when they say, 'from God, with love.  To all mankind.'  it's like a present labeled to us.  please, as a special favor to me, please look this song up and listen to it.

love y'all, have the best christmas time ever.


  1. it sounds epic :) *opens new window to youtube it*

    blessings always & forever,
    anna :)

  2. Yep, totally legit!

    Btw, I love the How Many Kings song on your playlist!

  3. Very nice!! Thanks for sharing. :)

    Merry Christmas!!

    Much Love,
    Bleah Briann


if you are commenting, you are epic, and every other awesome word you can think of!